Let's be honest, most Christians are familiar only with a number of stories in the Bible which they heard as a child or learned in Sunday School and perhaps the Romans Road to Salvation. They have the impression that the Bible, particularly the O.T., is a collection of stories about interesting people of faith and miraculous events. The Bible is more like a basket of fragments, so many loose grains of sand unconnected to each other, rather than the one story of the history redemption to them. They have been exhorted and encouraged to read the Bible many times and perhaps have done so once or twice, but because they see no unified message they usually fizzle out by Leviticus.
They read exciting things in the Bible about the Bible, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path," Ps. 119:105. It gives wisdom and understanding, 119:98, 99. Some verses declare how the Bible is a source of joy, Psalm 119:14, 47, 70, 162. Jeremiah 15:16 reads, When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight.... The Thess-alonians Welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit, I Thess. 1:6. But somehow, it hardly ever becomes that to them.
They read glowing comments about the Bible from others. J.I. Packer wrote, "The Bible appears like a symphony orchestra with the Holy Ghost as its Toscanini; each instrument has been brought willingly, spontaneously, and creatively, to play his notes just as the great conductor desired....It is meant to be a constant means of enlightenment, enrichment, and encouragement, its dynamic influence bringing a deepening joy into our daily lives." But, if thats the case, then most people must be tone deaf!
A significant stumbling block and discouragement in reading the Bible often arises either from an inadequate goal, an incorrect method, or an insufficient motive.
THE GOAL: WHAT does the Bible say?
Your goal is to know what the Bible says, what it means, and how to apply it. But, as we said, there doesnt seem to be a unified message to the Bible. What is the relationship between the O.T. and the N.T.? Therefore, some Christians read the Bible merely for daily inspiration, or as a secret prophetic code to be deciphered and charted, or as a manual on soul winning, or just for finding solutions to personal problems. This is one of the reasons we finds so many different editions of the Bible directed to particular groups or subjects. Have you been to a Christian Bookstore lately? Here are some of the Bible now in print: the Womans Study Bible, the Prophecy Study Bible, the Word in Life Study Bible, the New Possibility Thinkers Bible, the Childrens Ministry Resource Bible, The Precious Moments Baby Bible, the Precious Moments Small Hands Edition, the Precious Moments Wedding Edition, the African Heritage Study Bible the New Explorers Bible, the Life Builders Study Bible, the Little Lamb N.T., the Spirit Filled Life Bible (plus, the Spirit Filled Bible for Students!), and my personal favorite the Woman Thou Art Loosed Bible. Whats wrong with this? It leads people, like the red letter editions (I just like to read the words of Jesus),instead of hearing the whole counsel of God to every person and every area of life, to simply read and apply a limited and narrow portion of the Bible (I know the whole Bible is in each of these editions). These are simply inadequate goals.
THE METHOD: HOW should we read
and study the Bible?
You started reading in Genesis but were defeated by the time you got to Leviticus. Is that where you should have started? Or, maybe you became discouraged because of all the different translations or interpretations; you didnt know which one to buy or trust. Also, why read the Bible when everybody disagrees about what the Bible teaches. Plus, you were discouraged when you tried reading and interpreting the Bible for yourself but someone pointed out that what you thought this or that verse meant was wrong! Perhaps your method of reading and studying was incorrect.
THE MOTIVE: WHY should we read
and study the Bible?
Perhaps your GOAL was to read, understand, and apply the whole Bible, your METHOD was sound, but in the end, your MOTIVE was insufficient and inadequate to cause you to persevere.
Few Christians would take the approach of the man who said, I read the Bible once why read it again? But you may think you know what the Bible says so you dont need to read it as much or as often any longer. Perhaps your motive is just to reinforce what you already believe or just to impress others in Sunday School or in a Bible Study with how much of the Bible you know. Maybe you just read the Bible to defeat or argue with others who dont agree with you or your church. Perhaps your motives are too narrow, like the ones described above under the Goal, just reading the Bible to answer a personal question, for a devotional thought, etc.
Do you realize that tape-recorded readings of the Bible have demonstrated that a person can read through the entire Bible in 72 hours?! Thats only 3 days! The average person watches that much television in less than two weeks. In no more than 15 minutes a day you can read through the entire Bible in less than a year. So the real issue in not the time, it is a lack of motivation and discipline!
Perhaps you can remember when you first became a Christian and you couldnt read the Bible enough. At one time you may have been like David in Psalm 119, verses 97,105, 98-100, 103, and 115. Whens the last time you read your Bible or made a commitment to read the Bible every day or through the whole Bible in a year? Whats happened? Why do we fail to read the Bible more than we do? Why have you lost that zeal, excitement, commitment, and self-discipline to read the Bible? Its not uncommon for the excitement to wear off, even for people who have been Christians for years. John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrims Progress, confessed, I have sometimes seen more in a line of the Bible than I could well tell how to stand under, and yet at another time the whole Bible hath been to me as dry as a stick? Perhaps you have just become dependent upon and satisfied with a sermon on Sunday morning once a week, a very dangerous attitude to have. A part of the problem is that we dont have sufficient biblical motives!
Deuteronomy 8:1-6, quoted from by Jesus during His temptation recorded in Mat. 4:1-11 sets before us the most significant biblical motive: Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God!
In Deut., God had said to be careful to obey my word. This is Deutero second, nomy law, the second time the law has been given to the nation of Israel. The first time was on Mt. Sinai, Ex. 19-20. But that generation failed to enter in to the land of promise because of unbelief and disobedience, Dt. 1:26, 32, 9:23. The refusal of the people to enter the land was the straw that broke the camels back. The people of God had tempted Him ten times, Num. 14:22. They wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Now the 40 years of wandering are over, a new generation has arisen, and in Dt. 8, as the people of God stand perched to enter the land of Promise, God calls this new generation to be faithful, to believe and obey His word.
In 8:2, God said He fed you with manna to teach you that we do not live by bread alone but by the Word of God. Manna was not food provided by their own labor or strength but by God, the Word of God. It came at Gods commandment. It did not fall on the Sabbath to show that God is able to provide for His people. They do not have to labor on the Sabbath to provide sufficient food for themselves. The bread you need on the Sabbath is the bread of the Lords Supper. God is making it plain that God and obedience to the word of God is the basis for life. Man lives by the blessing of God, not by bread, and God is the one who provides the bread and we need, and so we live by every word and the will of God. We depend upon God. See Deut. 30:15-20.
The manna taught Israel that it is only as a person is obedient to Gods sovereign word, the ultimate source of life, that he finds true and lasting life. Moses himself lived and died according to the Word of God, Dt. 34:5. Mary said Let it be unto me according to thy word, Luke 1:38. In Luke 2:29, Simeon said, Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word. Man lives and dies by the word of God! Thats the lesson we must learn. We are to live according to the Word of God and we live as we live according to the word and will of God.
Now, Jesus, like Israel, is being tempted, tested, in respect to obedience to Gods word. God had said to Israel that if they obeyed they would receive blessings, Dt. 28:1. But they did not obey and, therefore, they did not received the blessings of God. They wandered in the wilderness for 40 years eating manna which came by the Word of God to learn that man does not live by bread alone but the word of God. That generation did not enter into the promised land because of a lack of faith and disobedience to the Word of God.
Now, Jesus, the son of David, the son of Abraham, is Gods Son, Mat. 1:1, 3:17, Ex. 3:10, 5:23. The kingdom of heaven was now at hand! (Mat. 3:3). But like Israel, since he represents Israel and is an Israelite Himself, He too must be tested first. And so, like Israel, he is tempted and tested in the wilderness. But unlike Israel, he is faithful to the Word and will of God. He quotes and lives by Gods word, Deut. 8. You should also remember that even after Deut., the second giving of the law in preparation for entering the land and the conquest of the land under Joshua, the people of God throughout the rest of the O.T. era continued to fail to live by faith and be obedient. Priests were not holy, kings were not just and served themselves, and prophets spoke lies. They trusted in alliances with foreign kings and worshiped other gods.
Now, Jesus, the Messiah, the Christ, has come to inaugurate the kingdom, but He, unlike Israel of old, is faithful and obedient, inheriting the promises and making those who like Abraham, Jews and Gentiles, who believe in Him the heirs of those promises, Gal. 3. And even Like Moses who fasted for 40 days before giving the law, Dt. 9:9, so Jesus, the Son of David and Abraham, in His temptation, fasted for 40 days before repromulgating the law in the Sermon on the Mount, Mat. 5, scraping away the Pharisaical encrustations, and revealing the deeper intent of the law. Then, having passed the test, he begins preaching, The kingdom of heaven is at hand, Mat. 4:17, 23. Because he was obedient and faithful, there is no wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, no postponement, but inauguration! But, like Israel, those who do not repent, believe, and obey will not inherit the promises, but those, like those Israelites who did, the remnant, they shall enter and possess the kingdom!
Satan tempted Jesus saying, to paraphrase, If you are Gods son
use your power to save yourself from this hunger; end your suffering. We have to live dont we? The end justifies the means! Exploit your Messiahship for self serving ends. But, just like later at the cross, if Jesus does not obey the Word of God, if He saves Himself, He cannot save us! He must do the will of His Father, not his own will.
Jesus embodied the principle of obedience to Gods Word, of living by the Word of God. Jesus did not live by bread alone but by every Word of God.
Why must we read the Bible? Because, man does not live by bread alone, but by the Word of God!