Marsha, Rosalyn, Sissy and Mary outside of Pastor Romero's church in Acuna, Mexico before VBS.
The following are debriefing questions with answers regarding VBS:
1. Was there ever a time that you really felt like God was directing you? Yes, when I yielded to him to present the wordless book and to do the VBS.
2. What were some of the ways you ministered on your trip? Witnessed and VBS.
3. What were some of the ways you ministered on your trip? Helping in VBS.
4. What was the biggest highlight of your trip?
When the kids encircled us after VBS and prayed for us.
When the kids encircled us after VBS and prayed for us.
(By) handing out tracts, inviting kids to VBS...

We were informed when we got to Acuna that we would be doing a VBS for the local children. I commend the EFBC team for being so flexible and diving right in and putting on a VBS class, especially considering the fact that there was such short notice (less than 12 hours and only 3 of those hours were waking!!!). The VBS at Pastor Romero's church went great. However the VBS at the church plant was a little more ummm....difficult; but no less great.
The VBS at the church plant was to be held in cojunction with an open air worship service (due to the heat). The problem with this was that the service was literally right outside the door of the church. Since the inside temperature of the church was so high, we had no choice but to open the doors and windows to keep from being baked.

If you know anything about buildings in Mexico you know that they are mostly built out of cement block. This church building was no different. Also because the church was a new construction there was nothing but bare concrete walls to echo and amplify the LOUD, I mean, EXTREMELY LOUD worship music coming from outside. I am sure that I do not need to point out that this was a bit of a distraction for the teachers as well as the students. Again, as I stated above, the EFBC team did fabulous. The "show" went on as best as possible and the EFBC team enjoyed worshiping the Lord through service.
It is amazing to see God work in all of our lives when we let Him. When we do, our desire to witness and to serve others through means such as VBS becomes our focus and delight instead of a drudgery that has to be done.