Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sound Familiar?

We know you don't want to go to hell. All men naturally seek their creator.1400 years ago Allah sent his one and only uncorrupted revelation so that man can be guided and submit to him. That whoever believes in him will not die but live eternally in Jannah. You can be saved and receive Jannah today if youaccept Allah into your heart by praying this prayer; "I testify there is no God but Godand Muhammad is his prophet." When you do this you confess Muhammad as a prophet of Allah and Allah is in your heart. Now you're a Muslim. Congratulations! (HT Javier)


"Acts 16-In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were thrown into prison when an earthquake shook the foundations of the jail so violently that the doors were flung open and their chains fell off. Upon seeing the doors open, the jailer assumed that the prisoners had escaped and drew his sword in order to kill himself. However Paul and Silas called out for him not to harm himself because they had not fled. The jailer (after certainly hearing the Gospel preached while Paul and Silas were singing and praying to God) cried out "What must I do to be saved?"

Their reply was "Believe! on the Lord Jesus Christ".

Folks, the work of prayer is not salvation. It can become a silly superstition and nothing more than a sacrament in Baptist clothes...We need none of the common 20th century methods of evangelism, just passionate, doctrine, Theo, Spirit empowered, preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because the Scriptures are sufficient. They (the Scriptures) don’t need our help brother.

Modern day down grade.
1. We have dumbed down Gospel, which is no Gospel.
2. We have a dumbed down view of conversions which is not conversion.
3. We have dumbed down revival which is not true revival, it is revivalism, created by man.
4. Now we have to have dumbed down churches so that we can keep these unregenerate people happy and coming back to church.

The church has become more like Six Flags over Jesus.
The true Church will do well to remember that “Missions isn’t about sending missionaries. Missions is about sending Truth."
Planting churches isn’t about planting churches. Planting churches is about sending preachers. We need God called, Biblically sound, Spirit empowered, preachers to go to these places and preach Christ to anybody who will listen until God builds His church. You might say, ‘Well that’s simplistic.’…(My reply is) Well try it." - Dr. Jeff Noblitt

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